
2015年2月2日米国マサチューセッツ州ボストン発―Infonetics Researchが北米の中規模から大規模企業205社を対象に行った詳細調査で、企業が情報通信技術 (ICT) に関わるダウンタイム (中断時間) のために年間1億ドルもの損失を出していることがわかった。



Infonetics Researchで企業ネットワークとビデオを担当するアナリスト、Matthias Machowinski氏は次のように述べる。「当社が行ったICTダウンタイム調査への参加企業はダウンタイムのために平均して年間ほぼ400万ドルを失っており、これは総収益の約0.5%にあたります。」



  • ICTダウンタイムの最も一般的な原因は、機器・ソフトウェア・サードパーティ製サービスの障害、停電、人為的ミスである。
  • Infonetics調査回答者の組織は、平均で1ヶ月間に2件の機能停止と4件の機能低下を経験しており、それらはおよそ6時間にわたって継続した。
  • ICTダウンタイム軽減のために企業が実施する最大の方策としては、機能停止の早期発見に向けたネットワーク監視の実装やシステムへのさらなる冗長性の導入、スタッフの訓練・採用などがある。




ICT Downtime Costing Businesses $4 Million a Year

Boston, MASSACHUSETTS (February 2, 2015)-Technology market research firm Infonetics Research, now part of IHS, Inc. (NYSE: IHS), conducted in-depth surveys with 205 medium and large businesses in North America and discovered that companies are losing as much as $100 million per year to downtime related to information and communication technology (ICT).

Infonetics' survey, The Cost of Server, Application, and Network Downtime, explores the frequency, length, cost and causes of ICT downtime, including those related to the network, security, servers, applications and devices.

To help IT managers calculate the impact of downtime at their own organizations, Infonetics developed a customizable Downtime Calculator that computes the cost of both outages and degradations by type and source.

"Businesses participating in our ICT downtime survey are losing almost $4 million a year to downtime on average, about half a percent of their total revenue," said Matthias Machowinski, directing analyst for enterprise networks and video at Infonetics Research.

"Fixing the downtime issue is the smallest cost component. The real cost is the toll downtime takes on employee productivity and company revenue, illustrating the criticality of ICT infrastructure in the day-to-day operations of an organization," Machowinski added.


  • The most common causes of ICT downtime are failures of equipment, software and third-party services; power outages; and human error
  • Infonetics' respondent organizations experience an average of two outages and four degradations per month, with each event lasting around six hours
  • Businesses' top strategies for reducing ICT downtime include implementing network monitoring to speed discovery of outages, building more redundancy into systems and training and hiring staff


Infonetics' 21-page ICT downtime survey and downtime calculator explore the frequency, length, cost and causes of outages and service degradations related to the network, security, servers, applications and devices. The survey and calculator compute productivity losses, revenue losses, and losses stemming from fixing the problem. The calculator enables businesses, equipment vendors and service providers to model the cost of downtime based on demographics, cost structure and downtime profile.