

「テレコムアウトソーシングの成長が緩やかになったのは、Alcatel-Lucent、Ericsson、Nokia Networksでの為替レート要因のほか、Alcatel-LucentとNokia Networksで不採算契約の取りやめがこの年も続いたためです。IBMHP の収益が減少しEricssonが横ばいとなるなかで、Huaweiのみが2桁成長を記録しました」と、IHSでモバイルインフラとキャリアエコノミクスを担当しているStéphane Téralリサーチディレクターは述べている。


  • 2014年、Ericssonは2013年に続きまたしてもサービスプロバイダーアウトソーシングの収入で業界トップであった。
  • アウトソーシング収入でEricssonに続くのはHP、Huawei、IBM、Nokia Networksである(アルファベット順)。
  • 2014年においてサービスプロバイダーのアウトソーシング収入の半分以上を占めているのは、ネットワークメンテナンス、構築、プランニング、設計となっている。
  • マネジドサービスの収入(オペレーション、ネットワークメンテナンス、ネットワークプランニングと設計の合計)は2014年に360億ドルとなった。
  • EMEAは世界最大のアウトソーシング及びマネジドサービスの市場となっており、少なくとも2019年までその状態が続くと予想されている。ただし、インドでは超大型の案件があり、アジア太平洋は急速に追い上げている。


The IHS Infonetics Service Provider Outsourcing to Vendors report tracks the revenue vendors derive from the services they provide to their telecom carrier customers. The report tracks both the overall network outsourcing market as well as the fast-growing managed services segment within it, also referred to as "full-service outsourcing," where an equipment vendor takes over an operator's entire infrastructure on an end-to-end basis over an extended period, including network maintenance, operations, planning and design tasks.

The outsourcing report provides market size, market share, forecasts through 2019, analysis and trends. Vendors tracked include Alcatel-Lucent, Ciena, Cisco, Ericsson, Fujitsu, Hitachi, HP, Huawei, IBM, Juniper, Microsoft, Motorola, NEC, Nokia Networks, Tellabs, UTStarcom, ZTE, others


Telecom Operators Spent $67B Outsourcing Network Tasks to Equipment Manufacturers in 2014

Campbell, CALIFORNIA (June 8, 2015)-IHS (NYSE: IHS) today reported that despite service providers' unabated desire to outsource non-core tasks, 2014 worldwide telecom outsourcing and managed services revenue decreased 0.4 percent from 2013, falling to $66.6 billion.

"The slow growth in telecom outsourcing is the result of a combination of forex for Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson and Nokia Networks, and a second year of unprofitable contract divestiture at Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia Networks. Only Huawei posted double-digit growth at a time when both IBM's and HP's revenues declined and Ericsson's stayed flat," said Stéphane Téral, research director for mobile infrastructure and carrier economics at IHS.


  • In 2014, Ericsson again claimed the title of service provider outsourcing revenue leader that it acquired in 2013
  • Coming after Ericsson on the outsourcing revenue leaderboard are HP, Huawei, IBM and Nokia Networks (in alphabetical order)
  • Network maintenance, build, planning and design accounted for over half of service provider outsourcing revenue in 2014
  • Managed service revenue-the sum of operations, network maintenance and network planning and design-totaled $36 billion in 2014
  • EMEA is the world's largest outsourcing and managed services market and is expected to remain so through at least 2019 despite India's super deals, which are propelling Asia Pacific close behind